The Biggest Offender

A closer walk these last few days with God has brought a deeper sensitivity within my own mind and heart.  Reading the Word has convicted me of my own lack  of sensitivity to His will and His way  that He would have for my life be in response to, seemingly, a world that just does not care.  Too long, I have been lead and manipulated by the offenses of others.  Burning embers of anger have seared my soul too long.  I have failed to fully realize that these offenders are Your children too, and whatever  their pitiful personal  state, they are still Y

our children. And, I come to realize the insensitivity that I often exhibit toward God,  in isolating myself from others , physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  In many ways, I have allowed others to make me “leave my genie in the bottle.” So, at the end of things, I am the biggest offender.


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