Christian Credibility

 Go into the world and spread the good news.  As a Christian, it would appear I should be going and preaching all the time at whatever station in life I find myself.  Is that totally correct?  Yes and no, I might suppose.  

The thought:  No matter how much talking ABOUT Jesus I do.  No matter how I might think someone needs to accept Him as their Lord and Savior, do I have the Christian credibility to convey this message in truth to others?  There is a quote and not sure who said it but it goes, "What your are doing screams so loudly in my ear that I can't hear a word you are saying."  Given that, it would seem my first evangelic action should be not to preach  but to highly monitor what I am doing.  Am I a fit medium to convey the Word of God to others.  Do others see Jesus in me and want that for themselves?  

It settles down into all areas of life.  How do I treat other people?  How do I treat my family?  What kind of worker am I? How forgiving; how humble, how giving, how caring; how much do I love?  The Bible says in   I Peter 3:15: 

 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts:  and be ready always to give an answer to every man  that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear."  

Is anybody asking me about my hope and faith that I exhibit in my life? If not perhaps I need to "study and be quiet" and examine myself as to how to become a person who more reflects the image of Jesus in my own life.  


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