In the Father

 A wasp was caught between the window and the screen, looking for an escape to freedom. In his fitful meanderings about the screen wire, a couple of small spides began stalking him.  A piece of web here and there and over time the wasp was not completely free.  The spiders closed in spinning more and more snaring, imprisoning webs until movement was becoming quite restricted for the wasp.  The future would contain only more struggle and death by having the life sucked out of him.  

With the virus and the restrictions and the loss of this and loss of that, I feel like that wasp sometimes. I want outside.  I want the freedom to fly unrestricted.  Trapped inside the screen seems like only struggle until all freedom is gone unto a kind of death of who and what I am.   

But wait!  Who and what I am was decided a long time ago for me.   I am a child of God, beloved of my father.  And--I will pray to the Father to bring me out of this web of  freedomless living unto a richer life with him, regardless of the present situation.  In my heart, in my hopes, and  in Him, I am free and will always be so.  So, behind my screen I pray to the Father.  

And I raised the window, untangled the wasp from those webs, and watched him fly away alive unrestrained.  So am I in the Father


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