The Book of Mark Chapter 1 - BEGINNING

It starts out:
"The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God." Chapter 1:1

The beginning but Jesus was "In the beginning" already.  I see this as the beginning of God's effort to reach down in love to redeem His children through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  To me this is heralding the age of the redeemer:  "For God so loved the world that---".  

We walk through this world oftentimes unaware we are so loved by God, and we ignore or rebel against God, consumed with ourselves.   To me that is not living life to the fullest and it is eternally dangerous.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ of repentance and redemption from sin through Him, has to begin within us as well.  

Where was your "beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" in your story?  Has there been a" beginning?"  Everyone who has had that beginning has a story, some more dramatic than others but just as valid nonetheless.  

After my own "beginning,"  I wrote it down and carried the paper with me, took it out and read it to myself, regularly.  In the beginning, it steadied my early course into a life within the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I had made resolutions, decisions, and commitments many times in my life, but this decision to have this "beginning" was the absolute best one ever.  It is a beginning to live in hope despite what the bad news we are bombarded with.  It is a beginning with no end, a "beginning" to got to and through the grave with to the beginning of life forever in heaven with Jesus.   If you haven't begun, begin today. 


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