(3) The Book of Mark: Set the Captives Free

And there went out unto him all the land of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.  

And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of skin about his loins: and he did eat locust and wild honey. 

Mark 1: 5-6

John drew people to him; people from all over, and led them to confession, repentance, and baptism.  Why was he so effective?

Just my view but it was easy to see that John wasn't it in for the gain or the glory He was that fashion conscious and was not wasting a lot on bells and whistles.  He lived hard, simply, and humble out in the harsh elements of the wilderness.  Perhaps they felt they could trust his motives of a man like that and consequently believe his message?  It was easy to see John was sold out to the message he was called to bring and consequently his message was easy to believe.  

And, the people of the time and region had hoped and looked forward to a Messiah for a long time.  They were a conquered people, living in a kind of captive state.  The thought of a freeing Messiah made them want to prepare themselves for this great thing which John convinced them was about to come to pass.

Many in this world are captive in this world.  Many are searching for "something" or "someone" they can believe and believe in.  As Christians we have the message of the Gospel and how God can come into their world and set the captives free.   The message is here.  What is needs is John the Baptist.  

What is it about our message, our bearing, and the way we live that would others take our message seriously?  Through the hope they see in us, do they see the hope that Jesus can bring by becoming the Messiah of their lives. Can we be a John the Baptist to a people captive to sin and heartache, waiting, hoping for something real, like the Gospel through Jesus Christ?   Amen


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