# 18 The Book of Mark - Chapter One Summary - The Beginning Ministry

 That is the end of Chapter 1 of the The Book of Mark.  A lot has gone on in those 45 verses. Things are moving   quickly in "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God."  In those verses "forthwith" is used twice.  "Immediately" and "straightway" are used four times each.

 It starts with John the Baptist preaching to "prepare ye the way."  Then Jesus comes and is baptized and the voice of God confirms the ministry of Jesus when He came out of the water.  Immediately He is taken to be tempted by satan.  Jesus then went to Galilee and started preaching. On the shore of the Sea of Galilee He called Peter, Andrew, James and John to "follow" Him.  They Immediately left what they were doing and obeyed.  

He then went to Capernaum and preached in the synagogue and to the amazement of everyone He spoke "as one with authority."   Jesus cast out the demons of an unclean man, again, to the amazement and astonishment of everyone. His fame spread.  He went to Simon Peter's house where He found Peter's mother-in-law very sick.  He healed her and she served them in that same hour. In the evening many came to be healed and freed from unclean spirits.

Jesus went off by Himself to pray before daylight the next morning.  The disciples found Him and He told them He is to preach to other towns and places as well.  And He did.  And there was a leper that came to be healed and Jesus touched Him and healed Him.  Jesus told Him not to tell anyone but go to the priest and shew himself to the priest for the cleansing ritual Moses had prescribed long ago. He didn't do it.  He "blazed abroad the matter" and it made it difficult for Jesus to preach in the cities.  So, He preached in "desert places, " and still "they came to Him from every quarter. 

So, we come from baptism to people coming to Him "from every quarter."  It all started because according to the wisdom of God, it was time.  And look how soon it all happened when the "beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God" is turned loose upon a sin filled and hurting world.


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