The Power Was There All the Time


The 63 mile bike event was over a hilly course.  During the early miles, it seemed I just didn't have it, and I hoped I could finish this without it tearing me down too much.  As one hill after another was overcome though, it seemed to get easier.  I seemed  to go faster, The :want to" was overcoming the body's natural lethargy. At the halfway pint, I was into it, and found that special rhythm to it all that I all "soaring."  I wasn't going al that fast according to top road racing standards, but I was the top of my game and loving it.  I have many such rides and runs over the years where I smile to realize The Power had been there all the time. 

These gifts from God are  not a comparative ones, but a personal experiences lived out through pushing through what your body, and the world would have you believe about yourself; to claim that personal prize that  God has reserved just for you; life more abundantly. 


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