The Angel's Answer to Fear

Matthew 28:5

And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus who was crucified.

The words "fear not," occurs many times told in the Word - I think it is 365 times.   On this occasion,  the angel seems to say that your motives are pure - ye seek Jesus -so  there is no need to fear.  It is often difficult to realize and act upon but our fear can be overcome when we fully realize who and whose we are and what we seek.  It would appear that the first step to overcoming our fear is to search out our hearts and     remove bad motives for our thoughts and actions.  Our life can be lived less fearfully by keeping as pure and obedient to worthy purposes as possible before God.  And for the women at the tomb was  there anything more worthy than to seek Jesus?  Fear not.


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