A Resurrection Experience

A Resurrection Experience

With all the frenzy and fear in our lives this Easter, our hope might seem off in the distance at the other end of the pond, with a chop on the water; like the old cross in this photo. But at the  the end our day, this seemingly far away cross and the empty tomb is our only hope in this life and the world to come.  We can make medicines and vaccines and take all precautionary measures to stall our departure,  but our appointed time will come, nonetheless.  "Our only Hope; God's only Son."

Today I built an old cross out of some old lumber.  It still had nails in it and I thought how appropriate for a cross. It had turned dark while I was building the cross and when I went down to my pond, a few pimples of rain fell up on the slick surface of the water.  It was still, foreboding, and then I saw the flash and a few seconds later the sound of thunder, and again.  I waded into pond as the storm sounded louder; a wind came up: how appropriate.  After all, I was putting down a cross in the water.  As the noise of the approaching storm increased and the lightning flashed and thunder rolled, I raised the old cross high and jammed it into the bottom of the pond.  The storm swelled as I jammed it again and again and again until I felt it could be firm in stomy waters.  But, it is an old rugged cross and it has borne stoms thoughout the humon experience and stood firm in stormy waters.  I know it has been for me.

The cross and all it embodies has brought me and God together.  Through it He has forgiven me and saved me such that "surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of our lives, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."  Yes, forever.  Storms blow all you can, I will cling to that old rugged cross. The Cross of Jesus is where forever begins.

Easter morning we plan to watch the sun rise up in the east, illuminating that old  cross stuck solid to the bottom in a storm. And we will praise and thank God for that long ago Easter morning  and for all that was done there and the love that was shown there for me; for you.

Easter morning at daylight, and it is raining already, and I shine my light and instantly found the cross in the water.  Then noises from above and beside the pond:  buzzards departing from their roosts when the light was shone upon the cross.  The soldiers of death, decay, and defeat had to leave with the light on the cross.  It is Resurrection Morning and death has been swallowed up in victory and "morning has come."


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