That Old Bible

This old Bible I have had for many years.  Years ago people asked why I carry that old ragged Bible around when there are other new, neater Bibles to be had.  And, it is King James, allegedly so hard to understand.  Why don't I modern-up on my Bible choice?

The Bible is an old friend.  It's wear is much like the scars on my body from a life of activity. The Bible has scars that show me that over the years, it has had a lot of activity as well. So many times when things seemed to be coming apart; so many times when I needed a place to find peace; so many times when I felt apart from God and needed a word to come closer; so many times. 

This beat up Bible shows the tracks of my faith; sort of spiritual scars from past battles fought.   It hasn't always been easy; most often it is  not easy,  but me and that old Bible have survived to honor God with what worn and weary have left to give. Yeah, I still carry that old Bible and touching it and holding it, and reading it, I feel God.  In a way I carry it and it carries me.


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