When Flies Come in the House

There is a change in my weather coming. I feel it; much like I do an approaching cold spell or thunderstom. The air feels different. There is an unexplainable tension to it all, and flies come into the house at any opportunity.

Over the years I have felt, seen, endured many storms and changes in the weather. The take-home messages or lessons from all this storm experience is that storms pass, cold weather goes away and heat waves do too. And, storms in life pass as well often leaving my world a better place. And, I have learned that even in the worst of storms there is still God. God will not always calm the storm, but He will always steer you through it.

So I wait, bracing myself for the storm surge life will throw at me, but I am ready. The countless times God has brought me through have left my world a surer place, sure enough for a feeling of peace toward it all, even if I do see that the flies are trying to come in the house.


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