Surrendering All

I Surrender All is the title of a haunting old song. Surrending all - Hard to do. Yet, it seems that the only way to victory in Christ, is through surrender of self.  What a task it is to overcome so much self-sufficiency; so much pride, so much arrogance, it seems we can't surrender because we get in our own way. It can be hard to surrender if I think that if I just hang on, I might just win this one, all by myself. 

Today, I went off to my prayer spot to pray for my sister who is having surgery.   Oh, I had my laundry list, my grocery list and personal wish list,  all ready for God.   I  my online order ready for God to  start shipment.  

However, the peace of the moment and the aggravating chatter of my own prayer thoughts, seemed to suggest that God was saying, "shut up!" And so I did. Releasing myself to the peace of the place and the intimate moment with God, I asked the Holy Spirit to come settle His peace in upon my soul.    I surrender. I surrender all. There were no wish list thoughts or prayer as I basked in  the peace that passes all understanding and let His peace saturate my soul.    I gave thanks and rose to face the day. Praise God !


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