This cross is in a field very near my road to the house - easily seen by visitors. A visitor once asked me who is the cross for. It must have looked like sort of a makeshift graveyard. I said the cross is for me. Now there are several crosses on my place here just as visible. And, all the crosses are for me.
Selfish behavior? Just a moment. The crosses are not some sort of ornaments celebrating my faith in Jesus, or my allegiance to the Gospel. Those crosses are not to be as billboards to advertise what a great Christian I am.
No, the crosses are for me, because I am just a man, weak and fragile on my own. I easily forget about Jesus and succumb to the world's temptations, of self-seeking, consumptive behavior. I too often yield to the pride that could so easily destroy my witness. I need Jesus. I need the cross to get me through this gauntlet called life until He takes me home.
When I see my cross it reminds me who and what I am and who the real I AM is. It reminds me of my calling as a Christian to take up my own cross and follow Him. The crosses put me back on that road so I don't end up stuck in the ditch of a meaningless and wasted life, that could have been lived for the Lord. Yes, the cross is for me. They are my road signs of the way home.
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