What's This Day Several years ago when my grandchildren were very young, we had this conversation and I wrote it down. My prayer today would be that as they grow older and enter into this world as adults, the knowledge and hope of the Gospel "will follow them and they will dwell in the house of the Lord, Forever." It was calendar training time for my granddaughter: day of the week, the months, and then, the holidays. She couldn’t read yet so she asked----- “What’s this day?" “Palm Sunday, and " "And that’s when Jesus came, “riding a donkey,” she interrupted, “and the peoples put branches in His road when He came to town. "What’s this day?” She pointed. This is Good Friday. That’s when they took Jesus to the cross and---" “They nailed His hands and hurt Him and put him up on a cross. And He died." What’s this day?” She pointed to Sunday. “This is Easter. That’s when --- “ “I know about Easter....