
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Cross Says It Best

Can you see the cross through the underbrush?  Can you see the cross in the underbrush the world tries to cover it up with. Here in the photo there is the cross in the open cool water with a  fresh breeze upon.  We are surrounded by the underbrush of life and sometimes it is hard to escape from.  But know that it is there;  always.  For God so loved -- and God still loves and the cross says it best.

That Old Bible

This old Bible I have had for many years.  Years ago people asked why I carry that old ragged Bible around when there are other new, neater Bibles to be had.  And, it is King James, allegedly so hard to understand.  Why don't I modern-up on my Bible choice? The Bible is an old friend.  It's wear is much like the scars on my body from a life of activity. The Bible has scars that show me that over the years, it has had a lot of activity as well. So many times when things seemed to be coming apart; so many times when I needed a place to find peace; so many times when I felt apart from God and needed a word to come closer; so many times.  This beat up Bible shows the tracks of my faith; sort of spiritual scars from past battles fought.   It hasn't always been easy; most often it is  not easy,  but me and that old Bible have survived to honor God with what worn and weary have left to give. Yeah, I still carry that old Bible and touching it ...

The Angel's Answer to Fear

Ma tthew 28:5 And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus who was crucified. The words "fear not," occurs many times told in the Word - I think it is 365 times.    On this occasion,  the angel seems to say that your motives are pure - ye seek Jesus -so  there is no need to fear.  It is often difficult to realize and act upon but our fear can be overcome when we fully realize who and whose we are and what we seek.  It would appear that the first step to overcoming our fear is to search out our hearts and     remove bad motives for our thoughts and actions.  Our life can be lived less fearfully by keeping as pure and obedient to worthy purposes as possible before God.  And for the women at the tomb was  there anything more worthy than to seek Jesus?  Fear not.

What's This Day ?

What's This Day Several years ago when my grandchildren were very young, we had this conversation and I wrote it down.  My prayer today would be that as they grow older and enter into this world as adults, the knowledge and hope of the Gospel "will follow them and they will dwell in the house of the Lord, Forever." It was calendar training time for my granddaughter: day of the week, the months, and then, the  holidays.  She couldn’t read yet so she asked----- “What’s this day?" “Palm Sunday, and "  "And that’s when Jesus came, “riding a donkey,” she interrupted, “and the peoples put branches in His road when He came to town. "What’s  this day?” She pointed. This is Good Friday.  That’s when they took Jesus to the cross and---" “They nailed His hands and hurt Him and put him up on a cross.   And He died."  What’s  this day?” She pointed to Sunday. “This is Easter.  That’s when --- “ “I know about Easter....

Moments: A Resurrection Experience

Moments: A Resurrection Experience : A Resurrection Experience With all the frenzy and fear in our lives this Easter, our hope might seem off in the distance at the ...

A Resurrection Experience

A Resurrection Experience With all the frenzy and fear in our lives this Easter, our hope might seem off in the distance at the other end of the pond, with a chop on the water; like the old cross in this photo. But at the  the end our day, this seemingly far away cross and the empty tomb is our only hope in this life and the world to come.  We can make medicines and vaccines and take all precautionary measures to stall our departure,  but our appointed time will come, nonetheless.  "Our only Hope; God's only Son." Today I built an old cross out of some old lumber.  It still had nails in it and I thought how appropriate for a cross. It had turned dark while I was building the cross and when I went down to my pond, a few pimples of rain fell up on the slick surface of the water.  It was still, foreboding, and then I saw the flash and a few seconds later the sound of thunder, and again.  I waded into pond as the storm sounded louder; a wi...