Launching Our Faith

Luke 5:4
No when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught."

Jesus had been talking to the crowd by the seaside. The crowd pressed upon Him so that he entered into a fishing boat, thrust out a little from land, and taught from there. But, when He was finished talking, things happened. The fishermen had caught no fish after fishing all night. Jesus told them to do two things: launch out into the deep, and let down the nets.

Isn't He telling us that as well. Reading His Word, hearing His message, and being a follower will reach a maturity point where Jesus tells us to step up our game. The nice warm fuzzies of fellowship, comfortable pews, inspiring music, and the accumulation of Biblical knowledge are expanded when Jesus tells us to launch our faith out into deeper water. Nodding ascent, raised hands, and loud amens will now be accompanied by higher personal risk. All we have tried to accomplish on our own will be left to our faith that God knows and God will. We may have to leave the comfort of congregation on the shore; push off into the deep and cast our nets, as fishers of men; fishers for God. But, we can't do that until we get in deep - in the deep water in a small boat; "looking to God, the author and finisher of our faith."


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