It Is Well With My Soul

Cool evening, beautiful sunset, orange through the tree, the evening still: Peace outside. Peace inside. It is well with my soul. After all the ups and downs, the trials, the successes, and the pain, tonight, I praise God for all of it and for bringing me to this place with myself; this place with Him: It is well with my soul.

This moment is one of those I think I always seek for, and I know the noise of the world will pollute this connection and it won't be as clear any longer. Tonight I could die and just move from here to there. It is well with my soul. I will sleep well tonight because all the days headaches and heartaches, all the meanness the world can throw at me, has had this peace thrown over it like a blanket. I can't truly explain it. I surely cannot define or adequately describe this closeness with God I feel at this moment. What else can I say but, it is well with my soul.


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