
Showing posts from December, 2015

Jody's Journey

Image Jody is a Christian, husband, father, cyclist, runner, triathlete and friend who has been stricken with cancer. It is very serious and he has iniated this Bible study for the next year... I am doing it with him along with over 250 others..I encourage anyone else to go on this journey with us. Below is a post from Jody: Since I was a teenager I've been asking God to use me for his Glory. At 52 I have never felt that my life has honored him the way He intended for it to. I've always known something was missing. My 4 main passions have always been family, reading my bible, training for marathons and hunting. I had no idea in the world when Cancer came to try and take my life - that God would turn it around and use it for HIS Glory. This is 100% about Him, not you or I. This is His doing - not giving me cancer. He did not give me cancer. He is giving me roads to take me from the fear and despair that come with cancer. He is giving this ...

Crossing the Torrents

It had rained a lot. Streams were full, some raging like the one near our house. It wasn't that wide; just a small stream about six feet across and 2 feet deep. But, the water rushed through it; my granddaughters ages 7 and 9 wanted to cross. Perhaps there is a latent spirit of challenge and adventure in all of us that comes forth sometimes in some situations, much like the rushing waters that had filled the small stream. I couldn't take the chance to let them cross alone. In fact, they might not have made it without being swept off their feet and carried down by the current. So, I waded in half way across and stood there with the current swirling around my legs. I reached out for the hand of one of my grandchildren. She trusted and waded in behind the shield from the current which my legs provided. She reached the other side just fine as did the other grandchild and with an excitement special in childhood, they wanted to go back across. They did. Sometimes our ...

When Flies Come in the House

There is a change in my weather coming. I feel it; much like I do an approaching cold spell or thunderstom. The air feels different. There is an unexplainable tension to it all, and flies come into the house at any opportunity. Over the years I have felt, seen, endured many storms and changes in the weather. The take-home messages or lessons from all this storm experience is that storms pass, cold weather goes away and heat waves do too. And, storms in life pass as well often leaving my world a better place. And, I have learned that even in the worst of storms there is still God. God will not always calm the storm, but He will always steer you through it. So I wait, bracing myself for the storm surge life will throw at me, but I am ready. The countless times God has brought me through have left my world a surer place, sure enough for a feeling of peace toward it all, even if I do see that the flies are trying to come in the house.

In God We Trust

"In God we trust" - Should we keep it on our coins and other places of a public nature? As a country do we want to continue to make this decaration? Is it even true? Do we live as though "in God we trust," or do our collective lives indicate we really trust something else? Do we really trust that much or are we going through the form of faith to support hollow religious ritual? Who do I trust? In whom do I put my hope? Can I say "In God I trust" and it be true in my life? When the collective "we" consists of individuals, truly trusting not because it is majority, but because God is worthy of our individual trust. When individuals are living out, "in God I trust," then, among believers it is true that "in God we trust."