Falling Into a Sewer Hole

My septic field line was stopped up. Nothing seemed to work until  I dug a large hole over the line and took a chain saw to the sewer pipe.  Things  happened.  With some help from a  high pressure water hose the blockage started coming loose. However the large hole I was spread eagled over began to fill up.  In fact, I was so stretched out over the large hole that I knew it would be tenuous to get out of that position.  I tried and it was going OK  until I slipped a bit on wet clay and I started on a fall. Not wanted to fall into the large hole of filling sewer, I quickly rolled the side and somehow managed to stay on the edge of the hole and finally rolled myself over wet sewer mud to get out. Looking back it was a funny but pleasant experience.  I was OK  The line came unclogged, the water in the hole went down and it all ended well.  Not a bad day...thanks God.

Life has had me stretched out about to fall into the sewers of life before.  Looking back, I can see many times how God got me off the edge of a sewer hole situation.  Times I didn't fall in when I should and  I was OK. 

But today there wouldn't have been a problem if I had not been so severely stretched out in splits over that hole.  Life is like that too.  Sometimes we get so stretched out over life and what we think it demands and we risk the danger of falling into the very sewer we are working to avoid.  The good news and my takeaway from today is that God is with us even in our fiascos, even the ones we created.  He is so good. 


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