Little Things with God
I felt compelled to pray as we left for this fishing trip on the coast. It wasn't a natural thing to do as my two fishing partners were not especially faith-driven. But, they complied and I prayed with them over our safety on this venture. The trip went well until coming back we came upon a large barge, going the same direction down the canal we were traveling. My friend with the boat pulled out and began to pass this large vessel and as soon as he had cleared the barge, he immediately cut in front of it. That's when our engine sputtered, stalled, and quit, right in front of the oncoming barge. Our engine wouldn't start and I got out the paddles and one friend and I began to paddle furiously to get out of the path on the barge. It was getting closer. We paddled harder. I wasn't sure we could get out of the way in time. Meanwhile, my friend continued to try to start the engine. It seemed a moment to exercise my faith in whatever might...