God Delivers

The last six months it has rained challenges, and hardships.  In the same six months, it has also rained blessings. God has seen to shelter me from the falling rain.  I know there will be some hardships in the future I will have to go through but the same God who sheltered me from the rain will be with me in the storm.

Each time a new challenge came up, we just took it to prayer. We asked for deliverance but accepted "nevertheless thy will" too. Each time God delivered us - sometimes almost miraculously.  Sometimes the timing or circumstance that affected deliverance seemed much  more than coincidence. 

Yesterday contained a series of deliverances, so today I just gotten go public with my gratitude.  Praise God for all He has done.  Praise God for all He has saved me from, and all I know He will carry me through in this world and into the next. AMEN


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