It's Easter- He is risen - Get the Weeds Away From the Cross

 Weeds.  What are the weeds that come between us and our vision of the cross and what it means in our lives?  

This stump was fitted to have a cross put on it.  However, it was hard to mow close to the stump and weeds grew high around the cross.  In a way it was emblematic of the cross rising and protruding among the weeds of the world, standing higher to give us hope in a weedy world.  Sometimes our lives are a weed patch of our failings, our turning aside from our called purpose to yield to the way of the world.  

Out of this weed patch  of a  world, the cross rises boldly proclaiming the Love of God and the eternal hope in the resurrection.   I need to see that cross clearly.  I need to clear the weeds between me and God to get the full impact of that Hope offered in the cross.  

Jesus said, " I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.  Belivest thou this?"

This is the hope from the cross and "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

I took the weed eater and scattered the weeds away from the cross.  The weeds will come back and I will need to renew my effort to keep the vision of the cross cleared.  

The cross says to me, "I love you this much."  How can I let that great love grow up in weeds?  


I want to live for Jesus in the shadow of His cross.  


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