Mighty Man of Valor

 Is it real or is it just me yearning to complete an unfulfilled dream? The ironman effort seems so far away now, with so many obstacle in front between me and completion.  I want to go peacefully into the night but a light keeps coming on.  It's like a fire I can't put out and I pray for guidance, full knowing I should NOT go after another ironman.  But, it seems I keep getting those answers everywhere I turn.  "Don't quit,"  "God equips you with what you need."  "God is calling you to trust Him that He will see you through."  And on and on it goes. Everywhere there is a "God wants this" message and I don't know if it is Him or from below and bent on my destruction and my family's as well. What a risk that would be? 

And too, perhaps it is what I want to see and hear so I can blame God on my poor decision?  That kind of self centered self deception would not be serving God but only myself.   

I feel like Gideon hearing from the angel while he was hiding out from his enemies secretly trying to make a little bread to try to get by. The angel came to him and said, "The Lord is with thee, though mighty man of valor." 

God saw who Gideon could be rather than who he was at the moment. Is that true with me?  Is that true with you?


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