Becoming the Bible You Are Called to Be

 There is my exercise routine each morning; stretches, crunches, leg lifts, planks, pushups and such.  In the midst of the workout, right after the  pushups, I have a prayer time right there on the floor.  Most the time I realize I should have scheduled the prayer before the pushups.  But my reasoning is that it is better to have faith I can do it and offer thanks when it's done.  So, I go with gratitude.  

It is amazing what comes up to pray about, lying there on face to the floor.  I try to be grateful first, offering thanks for so much God has done for me, to include the pushups.  But today I felt lead to ask forgiveness for who I haven't been for God.  As I prayed for my wife, I confessed that I have not been the Bible for her to read.  I haven't been the Bible that I want my son and granddaughters to read.  I haven't been the Bible I would like unbelievers all around me to read.  Can they read me, my words, my behaviors, my faithfulness?   Can I be a  Bible they can read, one that they can see Jesus in, and through?  

Yes, I read and study the Bible every day, but it was an epiphany to realized that me and my behavior and demeanor is the only Bible many can read and study every day.  Someone who God is touching may be studying my Bible right now.  Oh Lord, I am sorry.  Holy Spirit make my Bible all about You and easy to see, read, and understand, that they may become followers of you and become Bibles themselves that others may read and  God be glorified through it all.   Amen.


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