The Guts to Be Different

 My reading of the Bible has shown me that God did not call us only to "be," but to "do," to risk, to challenge, to be different.  Christianity is an adventure, at least. At a minimum it is hard work.  It is hard working on yourself, to turn your eyes from the faults of others to the faults and negative propensities of yourself. And then, having the courage to change those comfortable within you to embrace the risks of alienating friends and family; having the guts to be different for Glory of God.  

Jesus called His disciples to use themselves up, to burn themselves up for Him.  In the end He called them to die to themselves as He did.  "Take up your cross daily and follow me" was not an invitation to a church picnic but to a hard and sacrificial life, depending on the Father as He did.  Lord give me that strength to follow that course, and "run the race set before me."


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