The Ordinary Gift

I had died and was meeting Jesus face to face in my dream not long ago. There was so much peace and contentment abounding in the place and the indescribable face of Jesus was looking at me lovingly and yet intensely.

"I taught Sunday School for years; I preached about a dozen sermons; I tried to live right according to your Word; I studied your Word daily; I prayed all the time."

"Yes, I know," replied my Savior, "and, well done, well done. But what did you do with my gift?"

"What gift, Lord? I didn't have any gift, did I?"

"My gift came wrapped in plain paper, so you took it, called it ordinary, set it aside, and never unwrapped it. The pretty packages you unwrapped, and the many colored papers covered up the true gift, and you forgot what and where it was."

The dream ended before I could ask Him what my gift had been. And now, I can start turning over all the pretty papers in my life to see if I can find the ordinarily wrapped gift I was given to use. Perhaps, there is still time.


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