Shepherd's Tale - A Christmas Story

Abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night and suddenly-----

The lights came on. The quiet night, their quiet lives were impacted with a Word from God. They were afraid. Natural reaction to the sudden and unknown, but soon they were reassured..."Fear not." How many times in the scriptures does God tell us to "fear not?" You would think by now we would have gotten it.

Then the message, the Good News, the Gospel. And fear evolved to wonder and anticipation. Let's go see - and they did. Wow! Just like God said - How many times has that happened in our lives? - they had been with Jesus; they knew He was the Son of God; they knew this would change their world - Emmanuel: God is with us - go tell the story; and they did; simple shepherds, the first preachers.

When they returned to their "abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night," things were different. God had entered their lives in a mighty way, and they had been with Jesus. Now they were shepherds "glorifying and praising God" They had visited the Christ Child.

So have we. Before all else this season, can we glorify and praise God for all we have "heard and seen" Him do. Christ is with us. Joy to the world -Emanuel


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