Be The Man You Have Always Wanted To Be

"Be the man you have always wanted to be," That is the wording of some spam sent to me, suggesting I get their product to pump up my masculinity, so to speak. I smiled. But something about the phrase made me think a little deeper. Am I the man I have always wanted to be? Setting aside the masculinity stuff, I pondered the question. I thought back over all I have done; all the places within and without that I have been, and the direction I am heading; the path I am on. Am I the man I have always wanted to be? Goodness! But I have taken a lot of wrong turns; done some things I needed a lot of forgiveness for. I have made enough mistakes and fallen often enough that I just have to laugh at myself. But, I have been forgiven and I have bee freed; picked up and set aright, and put back on course. Now, with most of my lifetime behind me, and my days drawing closer to the finish line. It brings forth the vision of me at the end of a race. It is night. Lights are beaming all around. I am coming down the chute toward the finish line. I am waving, smiling, and closer inspection reveals tears of joy are streaming down my face.

"I have finished my course. I have kept the faith. Now, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day:" II Tim 4:7-8

There have been many finish line moments on this course called life, and I am thankful for them all. Each adventure in faith has built upon the other, bringing me closer to God. And, one day when I find myself running toward that final finish line that looms ahead in the night, I know I have that "blessed assurance" that, thanks to Jesus, I am finally the man I have always wanted to be; the one He wanted me to be.


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