What's This Day?"

"But Jesus called them unto Him and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."
MATT 18:16

It was calendar training time for my granddaughter: day of the week, the months, and then, the holidays. She can’t read yet so-----
“What’s this day?”
“Palm Sunday. That’s when Jesus came—“
“Riding a donkey,” she interrupted, “and the peoples put branches in His road when He came to town. What’s this day?”
This is Good Friday. That’s when they took Jesus to the cross and---“
“They nailed His hands and hurt Him and put him up on a cross. And He died. What’s this day?”
“This is Easter. That’s when --- “
“I know about Easter. That’s when He come up from out of the ground and come alive for us.”
I couldn’t have summed it up any better. I had no idea she had such a vision of the gospel experience. It made my heart glad, not just for her but in knowing there are probably countless other little children who have the truth of the Gospel in their hearts and minds. In this world which seems to dwell on the bad news, there are little children who know the Good News. It brightens my day with hope for future generations. In spite of the seemingly overpowering influence of the gods of earth, the wisdom , power, and eternal Hope of the Gospel is, and will remain, the Hope for this world and the world to come.


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