Jello Legs and All

 One morning as I was running early, I started to feel weak.  The legs felt trembly like  they were made of jello.  My strength was gone and I felt like I used to on the last mile of a marathon: completely spent.  There was no good place to  lay down on the side of the road, but I wanted to; wanted to badly.  Besides, I knew I must keep moving back to the vehicle.  Once down, I knew it would be hard to get up and moving again.  So I kept moving back toward the vehicle, one step at a time

Life can be like that.  Life drops a bonk on us sometimes and we get a jello-legged spirit. We want to just lay down and quit: escape at all costs.  But God did not call us to lay down.  He told us to "run the race that is set before us."  He didn't say run the race if you feel good and are not hurting.  He didn't say drop out and escape the pain.  He called us to run, jello legs and all.


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