Rest in Peace

 They say I have AFIB and am at high risk of stroke if I don't take blood thinners.  They say, that on blood thinners I should be careful not to incur a serious wound as the bleeding might be hard to stop.  They say my heart rate is too low and I could die in my sleep any time .  They say all the plant based eating and exercise, with no smoking,  no alcohol and trying to get plenty of rest means little as I am like all the rest in this condition with essentially one foot in the grave and doctor dependent.  My whole life future is articulated in a 10-15 minute doctor consultation.  

I could believe maybe I don't have long to live. But, they don't really know that.  God does.  The lack of confidence in the medial profession and the dire prospects predicted by them for my life has driven straight to God.  I may be getting prepared to meet Him but I am more peaceful about it all than before.  God and I are closer than before, closer than if I had not had this diagnosis.  Who knows the truth about my condition?  I am not sure doctors do, but I know God does. Who holds my future both now and evermore:  God does.

When I was saved over 40 years ago I read the 23rd Psalm ending with "And I will dwell in the House of the Lord, forever."  It was true then as it is true now. Whatever happens I will rest in peace, His peace, the "Peace that passes all understanding." For I know and truly believe, and bet my life, "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."


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