Resting At the Cross

 We put a lighted cross up in the pasture in front of the house for Christmas.  In these pandemic days, the cross shining out bravely in the darkness is a smile maker, a bad mood breaker.  "Because He lives" I can live also; now - and everymore.  "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow; because I know He holds the future:" not the government, not  the politicians, or any disease.  Since I found the Lord there has been  a cross in my life directing my way, shining  in the darkness that would overcome me.  The lighted cross reminds me of this lest I forget.  As  long as I can be reminded of that, I know there is a resting place for my world-weary soul and there will continue to be hope in my heart.  

We feed the deer in the area of the cross too .   The deer resting at the cross seems to say I need to stay resting in the cross myself.     

God bless us all.


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