Thoughts Upon Our Faith


Those of us that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves.   And there are so many needy souls.  So many, in fact, that one cannot bear all infirmities for all of them without self-destruction and the destruction of the infirmity bearing vehicle.  It is as if we are little boats and we take people with their burdens aboard, but we can’t take everybody.  If we keep loading the boat with the needy, the boat will sink and everyone will drown; the burden-bearers and the needy. 

Christian growth like a snake shedding its skin periodically and taking on a new one.The snake skin analogy:  How many times do we shed our skin on  our journey to grow as Christians.



Be still and know that I am God……Be still ourselves to receive His stillness.  He still cares, still consoles, still heals, still delivers, and He still saves.  In our empty vanities it really doesn’t matter what we think about our supposedly special events, our special selves, and our special times, our special technologies.  It doesn't matter.  At our core we are still a desperate people, desperately needing Jesus.  There is an empty spot in each of us that only He can fill.   Be still and know that  Jesus still lives, Jesus still love, and  Jesus still  saves.

When we find difficulty we can always expect that a discovery await us.

C. S. Lewis

What you don't change, you choose


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