Be Still

Times I feel His presence so intently, so intimately, that it is like He is in the room alongside me or looking over my shoulder. Be still and know that I am God." Be still to know God is with me. The way to God seem one of stillness; stillness of the world within us like when Jesus calmed the storm, still the troubled waters of our minds and clear the lens to see God, to experience God more clearly and more dearly; Be Still.

"Be still and know that I am God
: -----" Psalm 46:10

Time races on; life flurries by like snowflakes in the wind, but God doesn't . His stillness spans the ages; the same yesterday, today, and forever. Only we change for better or for worse.  We say we want  to be closer but in the noise of our hurried pursuit, we work toward being  farther away. We work against ourselves toward the empty promises of this temporal life and away from communion, and relationship with God.  Be still.  Be still and close the gap between ourselves and God.  Humble youself to stillnes and draw closer yet.   Feel the warmth of God love.  He is here and has been here all the time. Be still


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