Been With Jesus
Jesus did some amazing things with storms. He calmed the storm once and another time He came to His disciples walking on water at night "when the winds were contrary." He wasn't intimidated by storms or bad weather. Today, things just sort of piled on in life and I felt sort of overwhelmed by the storms and bad weather. I could sense the tenseness in my body, mind, and soul. I felt so tired from it all. I went into the other room and after sitting in a recliner, I closed my eyes and tried to pray. The words never started. What did start was an awareness of supernatural realities, that I never expected. Prayer became communion as I thought of how it will be when all this is over when I am in heaven with Jesus. There was a sort of picture in my mind of that reality and with that vision came a peace washing over me. I will be with Jesus soon. This all will be over soon. No mor...