Pathetic smoke and mirrors. a celebration of an empty life of self-indulgence and self-worship. Sad in its impart, disgusting in that lives are squandered hopelessly, haplessly on worship of their futile empty lives. God had a much better plan than that. And, a heart for God feels that empty sadness brought about by the fractured lives, supported only by a sort of smiling anguish with which to cover the desperation in their souls, craving the Presence of a true Living God to reside within them in the place in their hearts God was intended to fill. It's all make believe colored crepe paper that melts and loses its color in the rain. Aloneness brings the whispers of unfilled hopes and tortured dreams. Daylight brings a new face to put on to hide the pain. And what you see is all you get. "Our real selves are waiting for us in Him." C. S. Lewis