
Showing posts from May, 2017


I Peter 8:15 Hope We are recognized by our hope. We have hope in a hopeless world. And the world’s wonders, “how can that be?” Are you insane? Haven’t you heard the news? Only a fool would have hope in today’s world. But today’s world is not different than yesterday’s world. There were no “good old days.” For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God – even those from the “good old days.” In our time and in the times before, there is, and has not been any hope in this world aside from Jesus Christ. A phrase from a song say, “my only Hope, God’s only Son. I do believe----"

Sense of Gratitude

Looking through all my records here on my computer this afternoon. In a moment of enlightened awareness, it came to me: I have been so blessed. These records and writings of my experiences assimilate into a sense of gratitude: What a great life I have had! I told my wife of my realization, of my gratitude of the wonderful things I have had opportunity for. I thanked her for being a big part of my access into a life will lived. But, I know; keenly aware, that God has been in and through it all. Blessed by God to a life I am grateful for and expectation and hope for the one He has yet to reveal. I would imagine I will be even more grateful and grateful to Jesus for what He did that I might have that life and have it abundantly.