
New Year - Getting On the "Way Everlasting"

  New Years Day, resolution time for some.  There are lots of ways and resolutions to improve our lives we think.  Most fall impotent before "the way it has always been," after a short time. Maybe a big reason  at this is because we are resolving to lift ourselves up, improve ourselves?  Maybe these are futile efforts at self-determinism. Perhaps, we didn't "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt 6:33) ? Seek His righteousness?  First? Does that mean we need to get closer to God and His righteousness?  If so, How do we do that?   When I go to church, I take a bath, shave, put on clean clothes.  To approach God and get close, perhaps we need to ask God to help us clean up for church, so to speak. " Search me and, O God, and know my heart:  try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way  in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23...

"With the dawn redeeming grace"- Christmas

  "With the dawn redeeming grace"   Christmas isn't about a child only but the birth of a child who came to be our way to redeeming grace.  He didn't come as Christ our child in the manager but as "Christ the Lord.  "Jesus, Lord at thy birth."   He was already Lord, already our Saviour.  There is much more going on here at Christmas than a simple birthday party for Jesus.  It is something  of a birthday party for us as well because now, because of the Christ child, we can be born again unto newness of life. Merry Christmas because Christ the Saviour is born and, in a sense so are we.

Christmas - The First Step to the Cross

  Things get more different every year with Christmas.  As sanctification goes on over the years, things don't change, but I do.  Christmas is less fanfare but more real each year.  Christmas is the first step to the cross and the angels celebrated His coming.  Do you suppose the angels knew the "rest of the story"  when they announced the birth of the Christ child? He came first to the marginalized: the shepherds, who were  "in the same country."  "We three kings came from a ways off and had to follow a star to get there. And didn't Jesus later say that  "The last shall be first and the first last?"   And then there is the lowly carpenter stepfather Joseph who didn't want to put Mary away when she came up pregnant.  This same Joseph,  angels visited in dreams, and he believed and obeyed.  He must have been a pretty great guy to begin with because God chose him for this task.  He must have been close to God alrea...

Christmas Season - Don't Be Afraid to Be Happy

  There is a risk in telling a joke. You could look like a fool and no one gets it or they get it but don't see the humor. Based on their life situations past and present, some can't see much joy, happiness, or humor in much of anything. It's easy to fall into that trap.  I've been there before. It is easier and less risky personally, to be negative, and pessimistic about everything. Bah- Humbug is a piece of cake which is why most of us fall into that hole from time to time.  It takes guts, it takes God to find joy in this fallen world.  We may have been beaten up so much in the past, and the future doesn't look that great either.  So consequently, people are afraid to trust happiness, to take the risk to laugh, to smile, to say something is good, and to have the courage not to be turned aside because of the probability that there will be some who will think they are crazy.    Live long enough and we'll find that happiness and joy leave us vulnerable....

God Bless Us All

  Sometimes it takes a swallow hard and accept but a lot of people are not going to take God as seriously as you.  Not that I am better but that God seems to excite me more than I see others excited by God.   But, I've had my down times and I've had my times when God felt far away.  Is it they are having those periods of distance, or is it a pattern of practice, a tattoo they can't remove, and life with God has become ho-hum and distant.  Could it be that all that is left is the shell of the relationship they once had?  Or, could it be they have never felt the richness I have been blessed to feel in the special place close to God?    I don't have any answers and it is not my calling to judge anyone on this.  Perhaps they have found their way quietly to the feet of Jesus and are content with who and where they are?  God bless them. God bless us all. 

God Delivers

The last six months it has rained challenges, and hardships.  In the same six months, it has also rained blessings. God has seen to shelter me from the falling rain.  I know there will be some hardships in the future I will have to go through but the same God who sheltered me from the rain will be with me in the storm. Each time a new challenge came up, we just took it to prayer. We asked for deliverance but accepted "nevertheless thy will" too. Each time God delivered us - sometimes almost miraculously.  Sometimes the timing or circumstance that affected deliverance seemed much  more than coincidence.  Yesterday contained a series of deliverances, so today I just gotten go public with my gratitude.  Praise God for all He has done.  Praise God for all He has saved me from, and all I know He will carry me through in this world and into the next. AMEN

Getting to Amen

 I've been called a good listener, but I am not so sure when it comes to listening to God.  In prayer, I seem to have the notion that I need to do  steady, non-stop talking about what I want God to do and then it is Amen time.   Sometimes I think I treat God like He is my personal genie in a bottle.  In looking at that more closely, I can see that I do not honor Him enough in prayer. I do not give thanks and praise nearly enough.  I don't be still and let the Spirit work on me without words nearly enough   During my exercise program, there is the spot right after push-ups where I am face down on the floor and I use that interval for a short prayer time.  The beauty of it is that sometimes it evolves into something much more than a short prayer time.  In my perfunctory mindset, I list all my concerns about the people and things I want to pray for.  But in the best of times, I can't say Amen.  Sometimes, after exhausting all...