Get Off the Curb

 Nothing is really wrong, but God  seems quiet.  The feeling is close enough but it is like I can't sense His leading.  Maybe it is that He is already given the instructions, and now it is up to me to perform, to do HIs will which I sought?  

Don't we get like that sometimes? We ask for directions.  He says, "Go  here."  Then we just stand there on the corner waiting for the free ride to come along and take us there without effort. God is not a genie in a bottle to give us three wishes.  He is almighty God, whose "ways are past finding out," no matter how smart we think we are. 

Jesus warned those who wanted to follow Him to first "count the cost." Discipleship will cost us something.  Discipleship is effort, and a privilege so far as we feel honored to give our all to Him.  

 So, we have a calling and cause.  Perhaps the greatest value in following this calling and cause is the experiences we will have along this faith journey.  Through it all we will learn, grow, and grow closer.  Our faith needs to get us off the curb to go.  And we can trust God for the fruits of the journey.  For His glory.  


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