Now, I Know What to Pray


 Self-sufficiency comes with a price.   Several people we have had to come work on the place say that we have what everyone wants; a quiet place in the country.  However, nothing stops anyone from having it except a deep down "want it."  Out here in the country, you have to put out a lot of work and be able to figure things out. There is a lot to be done on your own and there are a lot of downsides to it. Most want the benefits of country living without paying the full price.  It is like the story of the husband listening to his wife playing the piano.  He remarks how beautifully she plays and he says he wished he could play like that.  She replies. "well obviously, not enough to practice at it."

Most people don't truly pursue what they say they wish for. Most don't even try. I say all that to say this:  I count myself among those "I wishers." I say I am a triathlete but I haven't done one in years.  I say I want to do an ironman but at my age I can find a ready excuse to not to even try.  

The benefit of all this is  I see other "I wishers." and it enable me to see my own weakness and faults.  At least I learned something in my folly and I thank God for the self-revelation and pray that I may become  the pianist who plays well because I practiced.  I can pray to overcome my lesser self.  Now I know what to pray. Thanks God.


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