The Big Picture

 We often use a location app that helps us follow family follows when they travel. Often when the app is first accessed, the view is close up.  It is hard to determine where the family member is, where they are going, or where they have been.  Consequently, we have to zoom out to take in the full map.  Then we can see how our family member fits into the full map, the big picture, not the small little circle we first saw them in.

I find  this true in the Christian experience as well.  We can lose the sense of our true place and time and feel our little circle is the world and sometimes we think we are the center of it.  Our problems, our responsibilities, and our little issues and our importance become all there is.   There doesn't seem to be any big picture. We get so lost in ourselves and our little worlds that, like the blown-up locator view, we don't really know where we are, where we are going, or where we have been.  And to make it worse sometimes at the end of the day we don't know the why of it all.  

Thank God that God can and does step down into the middle of our little worlds of self deception and  remind us of how really big He is and how really small we are. I think this is easier when we get much older.  I have found that the older I get , the smaller me, and my importance becomes and the bigger God gets.  For me, that is quite comforting .  Letting go of things that held me hostage with notions of  importance and responsibility are more easily given to God and left there.  Praise God, I think I am getting closer and closer to truly seeing the big picture. 

The more I zoom out, the smaller the dot on app's map I become and the more I see my place in God's big picture.   Maybe I am doing what the Bible says in I Peter 5:6-7:  

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. Casting all your cares upon him: for He careth for you.

Yes, in due time He will exalt even this little dot on His big picture world, yes even me, because He careth for me. Praise  God .


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