
Showing posts from August, 2024

Now, I Know What to Pray

    Self-sufficiency comes with a price.   Several people we have had to come work on the place say that we have what everyone wants; a quiet place in the country.  However, nothing stops anyone from having it except a deep down "want it."  Out here in the country, you have to put out a lot of work and be able to figure things out. There is a lot to be done on your own and there are a lot of downsides to it. Most want the benefits of country living without paying the full price.  It is like the story of the husband listening to his wife playing the piano.  He remarks how beautifully she plays and he says he wished he could play like that.  She replies. "well obviously, not enough to practice at it." Most people don't truly pursue what they say they wish for. Most don't even try. I say all that to say this:  I count myself among those "I wishers." I say I am a triathlete but I haven't done one in years.  I say I want to do an ironman but at my a

For God So Loved. Is That How I Love?

  The world seems in such a mess. People are so lost.  They are often sterile and uncaring, barely noticing those around them or anyone else's pain. What happened to humanity that caused her to sink so low? How can I love these people like God says I am supposed to?  These folks are not easy to love. How do I look aside at who they are and what they do and love them?   Then John 3:16 hits me;  "For God so loved----."   The world that Jesus came into was no Sunday School picnic either.  People were just people then too and that's why He came.  He came for those who crucified Him.  He came for the empty hearts of today.  We have all sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.  We have all disappointed God.  In some way, we have all betrayed Him.  And the Bible is full of people who did those things during those times when Jesus walked on the earth.  These times are not much different than the world Jesus came into and died for their sins and our sins and the sins of all

Living for Jesus/Safe in His Arms

  I am too old and impatient to live my remaining days in Laodician moments (Ref 3:14-16)  I will be 81 soon and I am either going to live for Jesus or be dead cold in the grave …I don’t have time or energy for a lukewarm faith.  If this an older life is HO-Hum station, then I am not getting off here.  Speed on down the tracks; wreck, crash, or burn, but live out life living for Jesus.  I wrote the below while waiting for the cardiologist to come in the room and tell me how my tests came out.  Safe in His Arms   Hold me, Jesus. Well, I’m safe in his arms. I’m safe in His arms. Though the winds  howl and   blow, I’ll   trust, and I’ll know That I’m safe in His arms When   storm winds are blowing, I'll rest in the knowing When there seems no relief, I'll  rest in belief There peace to the last breath,  because  He conquered death Yes, I’m safe in His arm s . Hold me Jesus